Vesic - Android Image Compare App

Android App written in Java to compare images in various ways

By Vincent Engel

Vesic is an open source android app which provides the user several options to compare two images the way they want to.

Watch a short preview of the App on YouTube

I started the project to create an app for an art teacher to easily compare images in different ways. After publishing the app, I received a lot of positive feedback. I also enjoyed learning about Android, so I decided to continue working on the app.

In the beginning, the app only had two comparison modes. I decided to release the app early to get user feedback. To do this, I published my app on both F-Droid and the App Store. F-Droid is an open source app store for FOSS apps. I also provided the github repo link and my email address to receive feedback. With the feedback I received, I continued to develop the app to what it is now.

Comparison modes:

  • Side by Side: Show the images side by side
  • Overlay Tap: Place the images behind each other and tap on the screen to quickly switch between them
  • Overlay Slide: Place the images behind each other and adjust the width of the image in the front
  • Transparent: Place the images behind each other and adjust the transparency of the image in the front
  • MetaData: (Beta) Show all Meta Data, like Exif Data, side by side
  • Overlay Cut: Cut the image from one point to another

You can find it in the Google Play Store as well as the F-Droid Store

The app is open source and can be found on my GitHub as well.

This App was the first I ever created and I was able to learn a lot about the android app lifecycle and how android apps work. It was a very nice learning experience and I am still keeping the App up to date.

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